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It’s the winter season. For most riders living in the northern forty-eight it means it is time to put away the bikes, and start tuning up the skis/boards. Fortunately for riders in the Lone Star State it means that riding season is finally here. In the FR512 community we love taking this opportunity to focus on build projects. It is far easier to run machines, move dirt, and build features in the cooler temps. This Winter season we are taking no exceptions.

Recently the FR512 build crew had a machine on site at the RHR location. Massive piles of dirt were moved as we push into the next phase of the bike park. Building Forward. This season we are stoked to be developing various lines. The “Backside” zone will see the continuation of Mineshaft, the Skinny Garden, and another advanced jump line. In the “Frontside” Zone “512 Style” got an upgrade with more dirt added to the lower tabletop jumps. The biggest addition to this area is the continuation of “Shakedown”. Once riders make it across the creek, they will find more kickers to hit. This is now the longest intermediate jump line in the park. We are stoked. All these additions aside our favorite project being developed is our new pro line “Don’t Look Back”. This line is going to be big/rowdy. We see this one becoming a favorite.
Out at the Christ Church Cedar Park location we have been putting in some work. Efforts have been made to increase the flow as well as improve existing features.

Cat Mountain has seen some enhancements. The FR512 crew worked to install the new Whale Tail feature, and riders are stoked. As trail boss for that location Seth Buckner continues to cut new lines, and keep “El Gato” alive/thriving.

For up-to-date info be sure to follow our social media accounts and check the website regularly. We’ll see you in the bike park for high vibes and shred vibes. Cheers.